Enter Gus - his name was changed somewhere early in New Brunswick when the family conference decided that Logan was not matching this puppy's personality. Logan was definitely a name for cheerful, upbeat puppy. Gus was neither cheerful nor upbeat. He needed another name. Something that went with grumpy, gloomy, cranky... and my apologies to any "GUS" people out there, but Gus was the choice. Excellent choice. Was he taken from his mother too soon and this was the cause of his morosity? Did he come from a long line of grumpy schnauzers? Did he just not "fit" with us? Whatever the root cause, he was definitely a Gus. We jokingly referred to him as King Gustavo, as he seemed so aloof and above it all! It was as if you could see him thinking, "Some day my true family will come and take me away from all of this peasantry!"
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Top Dog! |
If I searched all the schnauzer world over I don't think I'd find another Gus. He was loyal to who he loved and sometimes who he loved didn't love him back! He had no need at all to ever befriend another canine, preferring to pretend he lived in a parallel universe where other dogs didn't exist. Like all schnauzers he made strange vocalizations that were somewhere between a growl, a whine and actual words and he used his "sounds" to express a whole range of emotions from pleasure to displeasure! He was stubborn beyond belief and would sit with his eyes averted whenever he knew someone wanted him to do something that didn't suit him at that moment. He could never be fed in a metal bowl, because his dog tags would clink against the bowl and he'd stand back and bark at the offending bowl. His appetite was legendary and for awhile we considered changing his name to Hoover; he was that efficient at keeping crumbs off the floor! After all how many dogs do you know that would swallow a sewing needle just because the thread seemed interesting? I could write a book about this dog!
I guess you can all see where this leading? Last summer I noticed a swelling in his groin. A tumour, just like the one that took our beautiful little Tara-doggy. And we discussed it. Gus despite his attempt to appear aloof and independent, was actually a very needy, high-strung dog. He was approaching his tenth birthday and I knew the outcome of any surgery would be just as Tara's surgery had turned out. The cancer once contained inside that sac, would race through his body and kill him. I couldn't put him through the pain and anxiety of surgery and then have the same outcome. No surgery for Gus. A painful decision, but the quality of his life was still so good. And was right up until a month or so ago, when he started to breathe harder, or he seemed to find it harder to jump up on a chair. He slept longer and was no longer interested in going outside.
Now something I didn't tell you about Gus is that he LOVED tools. If a tool kit was opened in this house, his little black schnauzer nose was stuck in it. We referred to him as "The Foreman". He'd follow a repairman around the house and plant his substantial backside next to the tool kit and stay there until the kit was closed and the repairman was leaving. On Wednesday of this week, a man who had done a lot of work here for us came to check on a leaking pipe, and Gus lovingly followed him and his tool kit to the basement but only made it part way down the stairs and couldn't come back up. He sat panting. And I had to carry him back upstairs. The time had come. When the foreman could no longer do the job he so dearly loved to do, the time was here.
I pitied the poor girl who answered the phone at the vet's office. How many sobbing women does she have to deal with each month? I knew Paul would have made the call for me, but my heart couldn't back down now. If I had loved Gus enough to welcome this grumpy little puppy into my home 10 years ago, I had to love him enough to ease his pain and let him go.

Ryan? I know I could never replace Tara in your heart, wouldn't have even tried. So long buddy. I'll miss your visits and how happy you make Mom whenever you're here. Erin, you know I forgive you for all the ins and outs you've had in my life. I know you had to go and do the things you had to do. Even though I growled when you scooped me up and swung me around, that was my favorite part of all your visits. I knew that Paul O'Brien character was going to be a real softy. I sat up on the arm of the sofa and chaperoned one of their first dates and I KNEW he'd be mine! He loved me and if you get a chance, make sure he knows that I loved him too! Well I guess that's it for me... oh yeah... Mom?... Thanks for saying yes to Erin.
Gus/ Gusser/ Guster/ Gussy/ King Gustavo/ Hoover/ Little Buddy/ The Foreman/Yippy of the Yippy, Yappy and Crappy Trio/ Barker Brother #1/ Best Damn Schnauzer in the World!
May 25th, 2001 - May 20th, 2011
PS... Finn misses you.