I was a skinny little kid. Sickly and all skin and bones. Here's a photo of me on my first day of school. All 39 pounds of me.
I continued life as a thin person until I hit residence life at university. Freshman 15 found me and in my third year I joined Weight Watchers and lost 20 pounds. Still a small person at 156 pounds, losing the 20 pounds was EASY!
Fast forward ten years and two pregnancies and I was still doing pretty good with the weight. Three weeks after Erin was born I was 155 pounds.
Then came the yo-yo-ing. Up to 180 and down to 135. (1989) Up to 190 and stayed there for a while until 1999 when I started to lose weight again with the help of WW. Here's a picture of me with

The next couple of years are a blur: John's illness and passing and Mom's sudden passing. And I found a lot of comfort during that time by going out to eat and trying to forget the sorrows and the pain. Paul moved in with me and he was a superb chef, we loved to eat and did so in style both at home and in restaurants.
When we went to Europe to visit Erin in 2007 I was acutely aware that my sister and I were the only two fat people in most places we went. I was uncomfortable and couldn't keep up with everyone else. In Venice I honestly thought they would have to carry me back from St. Marco Square. My weight was for the first time in my life interfering with my enjoyment of life.
We came home from Europe and I tried SO hard to lose weight before the big wedding and did get down to 170 before the nuptials in August.
A happy time for all of us, the wedding was beautiful and our photos showed the pure delight and joy we were feeling.
We've been married 3 1/2 years and for EACH of the first 3 years I gained (don't you hate that word? Gained? Sounds like something you worked hard to achieve!) ... ok I PUT ON 17 pounds. So if you're doing the Math. I was in October of 2010, 220 pounds.
And this is probably THE most unflattering photo ever taken of me. So this will give you an indication of how dedicated I am to losing this weight. Forever!
All summer I talked about joining TOPS and when September came and went without me joining I wondered if I would join... but on Monday, October 11,2010 I joined. My progress has been by some people's standards, very modest. But on my scales this morning I am down 16 pounds. On their scales at night I am down just over 10. My pants are baggy. I can walk at a brisk clip on the treadmill for 30 minutes each day and I am truly feeling so much better about myself. AND I just went through the Christmas season and gained only 1.6 pounds after three weeks of festivities!! SOME person who lives in my house gained 13 lbs!!!
This week we have a sticker chart to fill out. We have to get at least 7/10 stickers each day.
- Exercise 20-30 minutes per day (no problem!)
- No night time eating (got it)
- Drink 8 glasses of water a day. (easy)
- Control portion sizes ( easy until supper time!)
- Stay away from the N0-no food for the week (Milk shakes this week! EASY to avoid!)
- Stay away from junk food (done! Cuz there's none here!)
- Keep a food journal ( I HATE journaling!)
- 7 servings of fruit and veggies ( Sure thing!)
- 2-3 servings of calcium ( It will be an effort!)
- Go to bed by 11pm each night ( Finally an excuse to go to bed early!